Suke Quto Community School Project...
As part of our origin farm visit to Ethiopia, we started to collect funds one week prior to our departure in aid of the Suke Quto Community School Project, and deliver much needed stationary related items and also cash to aid in the further development of the schools infrastructure.
Suke Quto is a progressive and large growing farm where many of the inhabitants of Kumure Village work and live. The livelihoods of many people whom work near the village rely in coffee production, therefore the future of this community lies in the children that attend the school.
Our partner exporter Trabocca together with Tesfaye Bekele, the owner of Suke Quto started to work together to build onto the schools infrastructure. The vision of both parties was to ensure all of the 1200 children had sufficient facilities to enable a proper learning environment.
The community constructed their own school, but funds soon exhausted and the building and sanitation was in bad shape. The children had to sit on the floor, in dirty dusty and sometimes muddy classrooms. This was the start point to provide and new school with seats, tables and a toilet block.
The first and second phase of the buildout is complete, with one new school block and a newly inaugurated toilet block to provide healthy sanitation facilities for the children.
Prior to visiting the actually farm, we stopped at the Suke Quto School and handed over a suitcase full of stationary items that we managed to collect, and also handed a total of USD1,500.00 to the schools fund.
The school's director advised us that the funds arrived in a timely manner, as they were depleted of cash and had no money for black chalk boards in the new school building.
He advised us that the money we donated will be used to purchase the black boards and will be forever used to teach many generations to come.
As to can imagine for us the experience was extremely rewarding and emotional, and the school's director, teachers and children thanked all whom donated and showed interest in improving the Suke Quto Community School.
The above image is the owner of Suke Quto, Tesfaye Bekele showing us around the school's premises and the different phases of the school build out that had been complete.
It's with a genuine heartfelt thank you to all our friends and customers near and far whom donated that we say thank you, as a little will go a long way in helping the future of this tiny community.